Here is some interesting English phrases in both American English and Australian English with their Japanese equivalents.
I am copy pasting these directly from MS Word so forgive me if the formatting gets strange.
Australian English words and expressions.
She'll be right!: Everything will be fine! | 大丈夫、よくなるよ |
Take away food: Take-out food | 持ち帰り |
Tea: evening meal | 夕食、食事 |
Telly: The television. | テレビ |
This arvo: This afternoon. | 今日の午後 |
Too right!: Absolutely | もちろん!そうだよ! |
Strewth!: It's the truth! | 本当だよ |
Spunky: Good-looking, attractive as in "what a spunk" | カワイイ、かっこいい |
Sport | くだけた「お前、あなた」 |
See you in the soup: See you around. | またね |
Q: Thank you (mumbled). | ども(ありがとう) |
Num-nums: Tasty food. | 美味しい食べ物 |
Mate: This usually means a friend but it can be used to talk about or to anyone - even a total stranger. | 友達に対して使う「お前、あなた」 |
Matey with: Familiar or friendly with. | (誰かと)親しい |
Beaut | よい。よかった。最高。素晴らしい。 |
Bush | いなか |
Dead to the world | ぐっすりと寝ている |
Dekko | a look, ひと目 Go and have a dekko at it. 見に行ってごらん。 |
have a go at | try, 挑戦する、やってみる よくわからないけど、やってっみる Don’t know much about it, but I’ll have a go at it. |