
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My problem with Japan

I would like to introduce a short article written by one of my predecessors because I agree with him totally.

I like Japan. It’s a great country. The food, people and geography are all enjoyable. That doesn't mean that it is perfect though. Japan, like all countries, has its problems. But I feel that one major problem here are the clocks. I don’t understand them. Why does my clock tell me its 4:30am when it is already bright outside.? Doesn't the clock know that most people sleep are sleeping at that time? I heard that some farmers get up at sunrise but according to The Japan Times, only 5% of Japan’s population are farmers. And there is more to this problem. Sometimes when I’m driving home from work I see the sunset. Normally I like sunsets, but why does the summer sun go down at 6pm? In my view, we should all come home from work and have time to cut the grass, play outside with kids, hit golf balls, or wash our cars. Doesn't everyone prefer doing these activities in the daylight? I wish I could have the 2 hours of daylight from the morning for these activities. In my opinion, many people would be happier, and we could save on electricity, if Japan made this simple change.

By Dan Rupp

His article was meant to be funny as well as make an apeal. He wants Japan to adopt daylight savings time. So do I. Not only does the shift in time help people enjoy their lives more with more light in the evenings to do things, but it also saves energy! Japan is very energy concious so I think this type of move would be very fitting for Japan.