- 1/26~3/31 Shikaoi-cho 2002 Shikaribetsu Lake Kotan(Kotan is Ainu for village). Once again this year Lake Shikaribetsu’s renowned ice village will be populated with people enjoying the rotenburo on ice, the fantastic Ice Chapel, and every type of igloo. Don’t forget the Ice Bar, glass making with ice and cross country skiing, all ready to help you fully enjoy the Tokachi cold. Contact Shikaoi-cho 商工観光課(shōkō kankō ka)(Shikaribetsu Lake Nature Center) at 01566-9-8181
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2002 Shikaribetsu Lake Kotan(Kotan is Ainu for village). Once again this year
Lake Shikaribetsu’s renowned ice village will be populated with people
enjoying the rotenburo on ice, the
fantastic Ice Chapel, and every type of igloo. Don’t forget the Ice Bar with
glasses made out of ice and music, cross country skiing, snowmobile rides and
hot air balloon rides, all ready to help you fully enjoy the
Tokachi cold. Contact
Shikaoi-cho 商工観光課(shōkō
kankō ka)(Shikaribetsu
Lake Nature Center) at 01566-9-8181
11th Tokachigawa Hakuchou Matsuri (Swan Festival), this
year with the new name of 「
(sai = colorful, rin = dignified voice; sound, ka = poem) at the Tokachigawa
Onsen Aqua Park and Tokachi ga Oka Park Hanakku Square. The swan festival has
become a popular event for winter with over 500 points of
illumination and sound makes for this fantastic show, ‘The Forest and
Light Winter Tale’ a great surreal experience.
Get great prizes by participating in the stamp rally and come to enjoy
the ample night-time thrills. Contact:
Otofuke Tokachi gawa Onsen Kankou Kyoukai 0155-32-6633
陸別町 しばれフェスティバルRikubetsu-cho
21st Shibare Festival at the Event Hiroba (Shibareru = Hokkaido
dialect for ‘chilly or cold’.
I heard rumors that this word comes from the English Shiver but I have my
doubts.) Reportedly the coldest spot in Japan, go and participate in the ningen
taikan tesuto (人間耐寒テスト)
and experience -30℃
temperature in a night spent in an igloo made of ice.
Do you think you can stand the cold? There will be many fun things to do
in the snow including snowmobile rides, a chance to try ride a snow tractor,
games, shibare fireworks. Reception on the day of the event, limited to
150 people, 3,500yen) Contact Doujikkou I’inkai 01562-7-3990
Yukinko Festival at the Chuo Koen (central park) from 9am.
There will be many activities to participate in such as parasailing and
hot air balloon rides as well as a park golf tournament in the snow and bingo.
Contact Dou Jikkou I’inkai 10564-5-2211
鹿追町 第20回 しかおい冬まつり
20th Shikaoi Winter Festival at Shikaoi Chuou Kouen from 10am.
Starting with the ever popular snow slide there will be various snow
sculptures to enjoy, there will be horse drawn sleigh rides, Park Golf
competitions and many other games for the family to enjoy.
Contact 01566-6-2311 for more information or 01562-2-2141 to sing up for
the Park Golf tourney.
20th Dosanko Cold Wind(kanpuu) Festival. At the
A hot event to blow away the cold!
Snowball throwing contest (like basketball?), a BMX championship, games
for the kids, mochi tsuki (making mochi or rice cakes) and many other
activities as well.
清水町 冬ほたる~真冬の夜の幻Shimizu-cho
3rd Winter Firefly~Midwinter
Night Illusion Just
as if the light from a firefly were put in an ice candle, so is main street (本通)lit
up in such a way that is indescribable and would make a wonderful night out with
good friends or someone a little closer. What you can’t put into words you can
leave up to the illumination. Contact: Fuyu
hotaru no kai 01566-2-2016
浦幌町 2002ワールド寒風・寒けりフェスティバル@町健康公園多目的広場 15:00~
The 2002 World Kanpu・Kankeri
Festival! All of the events and the title here use the Chinese reading
of the character for cold (寒)
kan, to replace the normal character for ‘can’ 缶
also pronounced kan, as the theme. Ther will be snow soccer, kick the
can, fireworks and lots of fun! Contact
I’inkai 01557-6-2111
上士幌町 上士幌ウインターバルーンフェスティバル@航空公園 8:00~
Kami Shirhoro Winter Balloon Fest
at the Koukuu Koen (aviation park) from 8:00.
The largest balloon fest in Hokkaido!
Once again this winter brings a battle of skill to the plains of silvery
white. There will be about 30
balloons in the competition. In
addition there will bee balloon and snowmobile rides.
Contact: Balloon Fesu Soshiki I’in Kai. バルーンフェス組織委員会
幕別町 幕別冬まつり&ミニスキージャンプ大会
Winter Festival and Mini Ski Jump Competition
at Nukanai-mura Koen Tokutei Kaijo 9:00~ Contact:
Makubetsu-cho Shoukou Kankou-ka 0155-54-2111
芽室町 氷灯夜~ラブ・ファンタジー
Memuro-cho Nighttime Ice Illumination ~Love
at Memuro Koen・Memuro
Shoutengai from 18:30~20:30. Hey,
its St. Valentine’s day! Over 5000 ice candles
make this a romantic spot for you and your koibito! Contact: 0155-62-2611
忠類村 ナウマン全道そり大会
All Hokkaido Sori (Sled) Competition.
Apply by 2/9 to enter the competition.
Contact: 01558-8-2141
2/24上士幌町・鹿追町 糠平湖~然別湖横断スキー
Nukabira Lake to Sikaribetsu Lake Cross Country Ski Competition.
and 23 K courses. After the race, enjoy the onsen! Fee 500yen for elementary to
2,000yen for normal entry. Contact: Kamishihoro-cho Shoukou Kankou-ka
01564-2-2111 or Shikaoi-cho Shoukou Kankou-ka 01566-6-2311
This month's Entertainment Guide, taken from the
WHIO, is a barren place. Probably because I
don't get around much. I know there is more out there to add to this
guide. Everyone, please send in your contributions to the Entertainment
Guide. We need your local bands, your plays, your laughter and your good
(Sat)Laughing Tiger Comedy Group at the Obihiro Shimin Bunka Hall(Dai
Hall). Featuring DonDokoDon, the
Chiharu Brothers, Dainoji, Route 33, Penalty, Ohayou. And Moriman. Doors open at
6:30pm, show starts at 7pm. Tickets from 1,000yen. Get tickets at Obihiro Shimin
Bunka Hall, Fujimaru Ticket Pia, MINA Station, Makubetsu-Cho Hyakunen Kinen
Hall, Shimizu-cho Bunka Center. Contact:
Yoshimoto Live Obihiro Kouen Jikkou I’in Kai @ Obihiro Shimin Bunka Hall 0155
Let’s Bake a Cake! Oyako Ke'eki Zukuri (Child & Parent Cake Baking) @ Tokachi Plaza
from 1:30pm. Contact Tokachi Plaza to apply. 0155-22-7890
Puppet Play @ Inada Fukushi Center from 1pm.
Contact: Tokachi Plaza 0155-22-7890
☆ 2/24-25
La Lengua de las Mariposas (Butterfly) Special viewing of this 1999 Spanish film. Reviews of this film can be
found online and they are good. Played
in sold-out theaters at Sundance. @ Obihiro Shimin Bunka Hall. Tickets 1,400yen
for pre-sell adult, 1,000 for HS Students and 800 for children. Sold at the usual
outlets. (Fujimaru 24-2101, MINA 25-1137, Kachimai Salon 27-0077, Usagiya
24-2827) Play Times: 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00. Doors open 30 minutes
before. A presentation of Cine
Tokachi 090-2815-3692 Yamada-san
2/28(Thu) Yoshino Naoko on Harp and Her Excellent
Friends (Wolfgang Shulz, Flute;
Heinz Koll, Viola; Machida Kotowa, Violin; Ole Akahoshi, Violoncello) Ensemble.
@ Taiki-cho Shougai Gakushuu Center (Life Long Learning Center), Cosumosu Hall. Doors
open at 6pm show starts at 6:30pm. Tickets 2,500yen before and 2,800 at the door
for adults ant 1,000 and 1,200 for High School Students and under. Contact
Taiki-cho Kyouiku I’in Kai Bunka Shinko Kakari 01558-6-5555.
This Page Last updated: 2003/10/10